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Supply Chain Matters

Discover our latest stories in supply chain management and WMS with insights into best practice, business optimization, and trends. Read more here. (15)

Spotlight on Warehouse Management and Distribution Centre Automation

The basic function of a warehouse is to provide an efficient means to store inventory and to dispatch ordered goods in...

The Importance of Returns in an Omni Channel World

What if the colour isn't quite right, is the wrong size or you just don't love it the way you thought you would when...

"Permanent" Storage Locations - The good, the bad and the ugly

We have witnessed scenarios where order pickers head off to a SKU's "permanent storage" location, at the farthest...

Omni-Channel and Wholesale - Network Visibility is Key

Wholesalers know better than most that an efficient supply chain is a competitive advantage, and more often than not...

What defines a successful Supply Chain Management (SCM) solution implementation?

The degree of sophistication in supply chain management and optimisation technologies has advanced. Supply chain...

The Supply Chain and the Store are Becoming One

As Retailers make store stock available for purchase online they immediately see an increase in online sales – it’s a...

Are Profits Achievable in the e-Commerce Era

The advent of online shopping has and will continue to change consumer shopping habits for ever. As a result, some...

The Future of the Store Assistant

With the advent of Omni-Channel retailing and the depth and breadth of supply chain and product data available to...

Do your customers know your supply chain better than you?

They certainly have a lot more information than in the past, or at least have had for a while. In my first job as a...

Do you really need those extra few thousand square meters added to you facility right now?

Before you invest 10’s of millions in a new or expanded facility take a little time and science to see how you can...

How ASN’s can Help Improve the Supply Chain Flow

The advance ship notice (ASN) is essentially an electronic communication from a vendor or supplier to its customer...

A Guide to Preparing your WMS for the Demands of Peak Season

A business’ peak season can place a huge demand on its internal warehousing and distribution capabilities and without...